What is “Jesus for Eternity”?
“Jesus for Eternity” is an Online Kids’ Program for children aged 6 to 14 years.  It was designed and created by the Mauritian Singers’ Gospel Ministry when COVID-19 landed in Sydney, Australia in 2020.  As lockdowns and church closures prevented children from attending church, “Jesus for Eternity”, was born, with Uncle Solomon then based in Nigeria and Aunty Dany based in Sydney, hosting the program.

Zoom became the tool to keep children’s programs alive every week for children in Australia, Vanuatu, Samoa, and even India.  Now in its third year, the “Jesus for Eternity” team continues to work in partnership with churches in Vanuatu, namely Etas and Topua Churches as well as Samoa. More equipment has been purchased for churches in two other islands of Vanuatu namely Lavalsal SDA Church and Parker SDA church in Atchin Island in Malekula.

In July 2022, the North East Nigerian Conference Children’s Ministry partnered with the Mauritian Singers’ Gospel Ministry and a new program, “Jesus for Eternity – Africa” was created and is now being presented every Saturday evening from 8:00 to 9:00 pm (Sydney time) and 11:00 am to 12 o’clock (Nigerian time) to nine (9) churches in Jos and Jengre – Nigeria, for their Kids Church Service, with an average number of 1600 children.  More churches are on the waiting list, waiting patiently for equipment to be purchased so that they may join the program.

What is our Mission?
Our mission and our goal are to bring those children who join the program into a loving, serving relationship with Jesus and to have Him as their personal friend and Saviour.

What is our Prayer?
Our prayer is that by God’s grace, many lives will change and be ready for Jesus’ Second Coming. That God will continue to use us as His instruments as we minister to the children. We give all Praise, Glory, and Honour to our Almighty God! Amen!

Jesus 4 Eternity Africa – TREASURE SERIES NO 1
Jesus 4 Eternity Africa – MIRACLES SERIES NO 1
Jesus 4 Eternity Africa – MIRACLES SERIES NO 2